Ntek joins the fourth edition of the Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte initiative – Inside the heart of industrial Piedmont, discover the value of those who create value.

The dates on which Ntek will open its doors to the public will be 27 and 28 October 2023.

As in past years, Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte is an exceptional opportunity to dedicate a few moments of your day to discovering the technologies applied to developing products and production processes in our local area.

In its “niche” sector, Ntek wants to make full use of the two open days to make known and highlight to all visitors the latest generation technologies behind its production standards, which are constantly evolving to offer increasingly innovative solutions.

During the visit to Ntek, it will be possible to discover and recognize how acoustics is present in everyday life. Precisely for this reason, visitors will be able to experience through demonstrations how noise is generated and measured thanks to the solutions that Ntek offers and produces.

Therefore, it is a visit in the name of technology and how it is applied in acoustics.

With the certainty of being able to welcome a large and, why not, intrigued audience, Ntek gives you an appointment on the last weekend of October!

For any further information and to register for the event, click on the related buttons below:

Contact us                                         Book your visit*

 * As instructed by the event organization, the link to book the visit to Ntek will be active from 13 October 2023

Here it is the direct page on the event website: https://www.fabbricheapertepiemonte.it/


With this communication, the Ntek team wishes to inform you that from 07 to 20 August 2023, the Company will be closed for holidays.

Regular activity will, therefore, resume starting on Monday, 21 August 2023.

The mailboxes will remain active, and every communication will be read and managed quickly upon return during week 34/2023.

For any inquiry, we kindly ask you – as usual – to send any requests via email to the related mail addresses, depending on the department and the person concerned.

In case of pending / in-progress orders and maintenance procedures, the equipment will, consequently, be processed following the summer closure period.

Everyone at Ntek sends best wishes for a peaceful summer period.


For the 10th anniversary of its foundation, Ntek launches the new AMG mini Ion+.

A version that, as the automotive world inspires, could be defined as “Full-Electric”.

The production will be a time-limited special edition batch, demonstrating the agility of taking measurements without needing a direct power outlet and the efficiency in acquisition site requirements.

Furthermore, with the new AMG mini Ion+, it will no longer be necessary to select the correct output signal setting depending on the source connected to it.

A single default setting, specifically designed to get the best acoustic performance from each Ntek source, will now be standard for the AMG mini Ion+, guaranteeing the user an even more intuitive experience.

We are well aware that the nowadays market trend is moving towards searching for agile solutions without electrical outlet cables.

Ntek is, therefore, ready to satisfy this new request, wanting to highlight the potential of an exclusively battery-powered amplifier.

In addition, the AMG mini Ion+ will be equipped in its standard version with the HP 866 MHz remote control included in the price to ensure the user the best performance and user experience of Ntek products.

Further information and features are available on the AMG mini Ion+ related page linked below:



Today is an important day for Ntek.

Just on 15 March ten years ago, in a small town near Turin apartment room, Ntek’s door was opened for the first time.

This name, ambassador of a confident and motivated reality in progress, represented the sense of belonging necessary to start a path of growth and affirmation under a brand’s identity.

Affirmation that since the beginning was consolidated at a territorial and national level, thanks to the knowledge and current digital communication tools.

Thanks to the digital age, the Ntek brand spreads throughout central Europe, participating in trade fairs and industry events, and starting an initial distribution of solutions that accompanies the proposed products.

The brand’s internationalization has brought with it the need to make Ntek equipment increasingly precise and efficient instrumentation. For this reason, Ntek decides to internalize the entire production chain regarding each solution currently on the market. Ntek thus becomes the direct manufacturer of its own equipment.

We know well how being instrumentation manufacturers means ensuring the end user an ever-increasing degree of reliability; this leads Ntek to engineer the projects of its range of products to obtain major international certifications.

Over the years, the need to expand the Ntek headquarters arose. From one room, the company occupied an entire floor by now, and the logistics of internal production increasingly demanded a dedicated space. This is how in 2017, Ntek moved to its actual headquarters in San Maurizio Canavese, where it now has a series of offices and a specific area dedicated to the production and assembly of the various product lines.

In 2018, Ntek reaches the highest European milestone for its flagship product: the TPM pro tapping machine. The latter is recognized by the PTB – German primary metrological Body – as fully compliant with international standards for building acoustics. The certification was not limited to a specific machine but to the entire production from that exact serial number onwards.

Technological progress has led to the experimentation of new processes and materials, bringing the entire OMNI Series made with 3D printing to a world premiere during the sector-leading event of InterNoise in 2019.

The need for a sustainable supply chain becomes a priority for Ntek, so the team opts for PLA as the production material for the chassis for the OMNI series.

2020; we know well what this year corresponds to. The Sars – COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the company did not stop; Ntek corresponds to the industries authorized to continue production according to stringent health conditions.

Then comes the month of March of the same year. Ntek is forced to close its offices and, consequently, its production.

The team rediscovers itself capable of communicating even outside the office walls, first of all between colleagues, and even more so with all partners and customers. We all discover that behind the professional figure of each of us, there is a person with whom we are pleased to exchange a few words, even purely an update on the conditions of the respective Country during the lockdown period.

In Ntek’s mind arises the need to be able to do something useful in the health field, to exploit one’s skills in favor of others.

Thus is born the Healthcare division; Ntek expands its product portfolio by commercializing silent booths, intended as confined spaces to carry out activities in safety and comfort.

In May, the team returns to face-to-face work; the joy of seeing each other seems suffocated by the surreality of the surrounding context. The workforce slowly recovers, following the innumerable health ordinances to the letter.

Time passes, the world gradually restarts, and thus the desire to progress in technological innovation and market differentiation is rekindled in Ntek.

In 2022, Ntek can count on its core business – an entire and complete range of instruments designed and certified for acoustic testing – alongside it with a good series of complementary solutions to fill the acoustics and vibration market demands. Acoustic sources, sound level meters, vibrating test benches, professional acoustic analyzers, and software now make up the Ntek offer, which is now present in the Asian and Overseas markets.

Ntek, therefore, wants to celebrate its 10th year of foundation by thanking for the trust it has always been able to feel from its audience.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, Ntek is launching the special edition of its AMG mini: the new AMG mini Ion+ amplifier and noise generator.

A version which, as the automotive world teaches, could be defined as “Full-Electric”.

The production will be a limited edition batch on the occasion of Ntek’s tenth anniversary, demonstrating the agility of taking measurements without the need for a direct power outlet, as well as the efficiency in terms of acquisition site requirements.

Confident and convinced from the outset in the progress of the years to come and grateful for the past since the day of its foundation, Ntek continues its journey with ever greater motivation to support the needs of its market in an atmosphere of joy for the significant milestone and anniversary achieved.

We are now reaching the joyful festive period.

With the opportunity to send you our most sincere wishes for Happy Winter Holidays, we inform you that Ntek will be closed for the holiday period of the next 8th and 9th of December and from the 24th of December to the 8th of January included.

Regular activity will therefore start again from Monday, 9th January 2023.

Each communication will, as usual, be delivered to the related email addresses, to be taken care of as soon as possible upon return in January.

Once again, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and an Excellent New Year,

Happy Holidays from the entire Ntek team!

Here is the further news Ntek anticipated on Monday, 14th November.

On the occasion of the ongoing Cyber Monday, Ntek wants to extend the duration of the Black Friday Week campaign until next Friday, 2nd December!

So, not just a week of Black Friday, but a Black Friday X2; two weeks of discounts and unbeatable prices on Ntek equipment.

This a unique opportunity to continue to benefit from the discounts offered with the Black Friday Week packages.

As for last week, the order method is the same: requests have to be sent to sales@ntek.it.

Again, we will be ready to guide you through the promo configurations, ensuring the best price is still in force for the entire working week.

The convenience has been extended; take advantage of it!

Choose your configuration

The long-awaited period of Black Friday is back.

On the occasion of Black Friday 2022, Ntek wanted to create sets and configurations of unmissable convenience.

The kits will be customizable according to your needs, offering a complete and efficient solution at a special price.

News: Ntek established the Black Friday Week!

From November 21st, ordering the various sets according to the configuration needed will be possible, taking advantage of extraordinary savings.

The discounts will be applied until Cyber ​​Monday, November 26th, when further news will be announced.

Requests and orders have to be sent to sales@ntek.it; we will be ready to suggest you the best configurations, ensuring the best price possible during the Black Friday Week.

Therefore, stay updated on the news and configurations proposed both on the page accessible from the dedicated link at the bottom of this article and, as well, from the slideshow on the homepage,

Of course, stay tuned on the Ntek social pages by following the hashtag #ntekblackfriday2022.

What else? Create your kit and take advantage of the discounts!


Choose your configuration


OMNI 2″ XS is the name of the new Ntek source, officially becoming part of the OMNI Series from today.

Like all other sources in the OMNI Series, OMNI 2″ XS consists of a cluster of twelve speakers assembled spherically to ensure isotropic sound radiation. The main difference is the size of the speakers: only 2 inches.

This feature gives the new OMNI 2” XS a high degree of portability, now being able to count on an even smaller size and weight than the current OMNI 4″ LT, which has already proved to be the best choice for building acoustic measurements and testing where transportability and high acoustic performance are required.

With a sound power level of 117 dBA, OMNI 2” XS will therefore be the solution for tests and measurements ranging from the field of the NVH to the naval one, from the aerospace to all those confined environments that generally would not allow the housing of a classic dodecahedron and amplifier.

Furthermore, OMNI 2″ XS, thanks to its design specifically studied to be compact and efficient, does not require a tripod for support during measurements. This feature has been achieved thanks to the now-established 3D printing technology, which once again proves to be winning and reliable.

Summarizing: lightweight, compact size, significant sound pressure level, all enclosed in a single essential Ntek sound source.

That’s the new OMNI 2″ XS.


At the beginning of 2022, Ntek informs you that the OMNI Series will be revised from next 1st, February 2022.

The change concerning the current solution proposal consists of the disposal of two products, specifically created for niche and specialist measurements.

Considering those above, Ntek announces the suspension of OMNI 5″ 3D and Smart OMNI from the standard production of Ntek sound sources.

OMNI 5″ 3D and Smart OMNI represented for Ntek the willingness to accept specific requests from its audience and make them a reality, thanks to innovative research applied to additive manufacturing technology through the use of 3D printers.

In a market where demand and trends are constantly evolving, Ntek aims to focus production on sources that have been reconfirmed as best sellers for several years now.

Ntek wants to reiterate that OMNI 5″ 3D and Smart OMNI, therefore, represent a chapter coming to an end; the company has demonstrated that it is possible to satisfy the specific requests from its users technological and structural point of view.

The two sources in question will, in any case, remain under Ntek responsibility regarding any maintenance operations on the sold products to assure continuity in the assistance process.

In conclusion, saying goodbye to OMNI 5″ 3D and Smart OMNI, Ntek confirms that the OMNI Series will be composed of the traditional OMNI 5″ in wood, together with OMNI 4″ HP and OMNI 4″ LT, representing the new trend and innovation of 3D printing.

The holiday season is getting closer and closer.

Starting from Christmas and then continuing until the New Year and finally the Epiphany, there will be numerous opportunities to meet with loved ones to celebrate and spend a delightful moment of merrymaking together.

Ntek, therefore, wants to wish the best Season Greetings to all customers, suppliers, distributors and partners.

Starting from next Friday, 24 December 2021, Eve of Christmas, activities will resume at full capacity on Monday, 10 January 2022. In any case, communications and messages will be received and processed to provide a constant service.

During the year that is drawing to a close, there have been many challenges to face, as well as new opportunities that have arisen as new horizons to aspire to.

Once again, Ntek wishes you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!