For the third consecutive year, Ntek joins to the Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte initiative, since this year in conjunction with the Technology Festival organized by the Turin Polytechnic.

The dates when Ntek will open its doors to the public will be the next 8 and 9 November 2019.

Also this year, Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte 2019 proves to be a special occasion to dedicate some moments of your own time discovering the technologies applied to the development of products and production processes.

In its “niche” sector and in general not so well known by the public, Ntek wants to take full advantage of the two days of open doors to get visitors aware and highlight all the latest cutting-edge technology behind its own production standard, which has been completely revolutionized to offer increasingly innovative solutions.

It is entertaining to discover and recognize how acoustics are present in every aspect of daily life; for this reason, visitors will be able to experiment, through demonstrations and practical experiments, how noise is revealed, produced and measured thanks to the solutions that Ntek offers.

An interactive visit, dedicated to technology and how it is applied in the field of acoustics.

With the certainty of being able to welcome a public that is increasingly interested, numerous and, why not, curious, Ntek is giving you an appointment for the next technology full-immersion days!

For any further information and to register for the event, click on the appropriate buttons below:

Contact us                                         Book your Visit


Ntek is pleased to add to its range of distributed products the acoustic simulation CSTB software dedicated to noise prediction in various application fields.

Born from the meeting of the respective companies during the trade fair Internoise 2019, in which Ntek took part last June in Madrid, the new partnership with CSTB proved to be very important to further expand the range of solutions for acoustics, which appears to be complete from the starting point of planning and design new structures and evaluate the performance of environments and transports.

The CSTB software AcouSYS allows you to predict acoustic performance, calculate noise and vibration levels, compare deviations and facilitate informed design choices. The aforementioned software offers the unique possibility of evaluating the soundscape of living space by listening to a simulation, thanks to the spatial rendering of the sound.

The CSTB design and evaluation software solutions help stakeholders in the construction and urban planning sector to improve the performance of their projects: energy, environment and acoustics. In a digital transition context, these software packages also anticipate technological innovations that are profoundly changing professional practices.

Designed to meet the needs of the construction and transport sector, AcouSYS makes it easy to calculate the acoustic performance of complex multi-layer systems.

NTEK increases market share with a new distribution agreement in China

Ntek is pleased to announce it has recently signed a new distribution agreement for the Chinese Market with Svantek Sound and Vibration Technology in China.

Svantek is the leading brand of sound and vibration meters for occupational health and safety, environmental noise, human vibration and building vibration.

The agreement comes as a result of the historical partnership with Svantek headquarter in Poland and then after with Svantek Germany, Spain and Svantek Italy.

With Svantek China, located in Guangzhou district, Ntek plans to extend the growth from its current position in that market as a leader in Building Acoustics Equipment.

Giancarlo Sassi, Ntek General Manager, said: “We are very pleased to be expanding our partnership with Svantek China and to be offering such market our equipment through a strong and reliable partner as Svantek.”

Svantek China can be found on:

Adress:  Aoyuan Yue Times Square,  Panyu District, Guangzhou, China


IMP3rove: literally IMProve Innovation Management Performance of SMEs with sustainable IMPact.

For the second consecutive year, Ntek has undertaken and successfully completed the assessment process because it believes in innovation as a tool to grow and stand out.

This is a detailed assessment of corporate governance, assessed 360 degrees under many aspects.

From this point of view, innovation is considered as a real internal process, like supplier management, marketing or production.

So, innovation comes from research, accompanied by a bit of curiosity and creativity, but it is a real advantage only if applied with seriousness, discipline and control, every day and involving the entire company structure.

“Innovation is fundamental for transformation, so creating a culture of innovation is the driving force for the future of our company.” re-confirms Giancarlo Sassi, General Manager of Ntek.

Innovating is a transversal process that conditions and draws the driving force from the other business processes: it is not only a question of applying the latest available cutting-edge technology, but it’s about finding new ways to propose to the market, use the skills, collaborate and communicate.

The service, offered through the tool developed by the European Innovation Academy – IMP3rove, offers numerous advantages including the possibility of obtaining the competitive positioning of the company in a transparent manner.

The company availed itself of the assistance service on innovation management offered free of charge by the Enterprise Europe Network at the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, where the competence and professionalism of Dr. Chiara Soffietti and Daniela Cena were fundamental to make IMP3rove tool is operational and useful.

Please note that the IMP3rove assessment complies with the CEN / TS 16555-1 and CWA 15899 standardization documents on innovation management and is also establishing itself as a “Gold Standard” at European level.

The report that emerged from the analysis carried out highlighted many strengths of the company (the economic outlook was very positive compared to the approximately 150 companies operating in the same sector and with the same class of employees and from all over Europe ), Ntek was therefore able to use the report to demonstrate and strengthen its position on the national market.

As an international manufacturer of building acoustic equipment Ntek has its own laboratory to calibrate tapping machines and sound sources. Ntek calibration laboratory works on all brands and models of equipment, offering a fast and accurate service.

As foreseen by the ISO 16283-1/2/3 standard, it is recommended to perform the revision of sound sources (dodecahedron, directional speakers, tapping machines) every 2 years.  We also recommend annual calibration of the products after the purchase.

The calibration provides documented and traceable measurement accuracy and confirms that your product meets the published specifications.


Verification of the impact velocity, impact rate and the dimensional measurements of the hammers according to UNI EN ISO 16283-2 and UNI EN ISO 10140 – Annex E – using the following instruments:

– test bench with structure in aluminum and serizzo marble surface;

– laser velocimeter

– a caliber and a precision scale interfaced with an industrial computer with specific post-processing software.

We’d like to highlight that all the measurements are made with our test bench don’t need to open the equipment (that could cause the voidance of the warranty).


UNI EN  ISO 16283-1  standard also require bi-annual verification of the speaker systems to confirm compliance with this standard. Verification of dodecahedron loudspeaker directivity in accordance with ISO 16283-1, Annex A.  Requires matched power amplifier.

Ntek calibration laboratory has developed a verification procedure to comply with these requirements:  the dodecahedron speaker is assembled on a rotating engine in a semi-anechoic chamber through 360° and measured by several microphones in order to obtain the omnidirectionality.  Measurements are calculated and compared with the specifications.






On the just passed days, exactly from 16th to 19th June 2019, was held the 48th Congress and International Exposition on noise control engineering: Internoise 2019.

In the beautiful location of the Spanish capital – Madrid – at the IFEMA Palace, Ntek exhibited its entire range of building acoustics products in its latest version.

What a better overview of the world of acoustics if not Internoise 2019?

For Ntek, Internoise 2019 represented an opportunity to establish new relationships, consolidate the current ones and deal with the major exponents on the acoustics market.

A perfect opportunity to launch the new OMNI Series product on the global market: the SMART OMNI. With the power of classic OMNI 5 “speakers and the small size of an OMNI 4”, it is the most compact and powerful solution in the OMNI Series.

The considerable attendance at the Ntek booth it’s a fact that the acoustics sector is always in continuous evolution and formed by a public that goes from the nowadays well-established technicians in acoustics and university professors to an even more growing group of young engineers and technicians who approach and passionate about acoustics in all its fields.

Faced with availability and determination, this trade show gave Ntek the indispensable and fundamental direct relationship with an audience from all over the world, thus knowing their needs as well as discovering new cultures.

At Ntek , we’re constantly working toward smart solutions to address high performance  and optimize weight and portability of our products, while conserving our planet’s precious resources” said Giancarlo Sassi, Ntek General Manager.

This is the reason why Ntek revolutionized the OMNI Series. First, printing the sound sources with the innovative 3D additive manufacturing. Then, launching the brand-new SMART OMNI  sound source.

The SMART OMNI sound source has been created to match the high performances of OMNI 5”, the innovative 3D printing technology and the reduced size of OMNI 4”. In just one product are included all the best technical features of OMNI Series and the high performances of the 5 inches speakers  in just 9,5 Kg.

Check all the technical data on the following datasheet:


Furthermore, we have also transformed the complete OMNI Series range of products introducing a new concept of “color identification” related to the different characteristics and settings of the sound sources: check the summarized info on the OMNI SERIES in the image below.


The new OMNI Serie printed in 3D represent the real breakthrough. Production with additive technology, in addition to a greater freedom in design, guarantees with its sphericity the achievement of greater isotropy and OMNIdirectionality.

3D Printed with heat-resistant material, ensure excellent performance of the structure even after long periods of activity, without incurring in deformations due to the high temperatures reached during the operation.

Designed according to the needs and requirements, the new OMNI Series in 3D guarantee greater ergonomics: hand transport will be more comfortable thanks to the new structure of the knob, which now ensures a more comfortable and firmer grip.

Moreover, the filament used to print the OMNI Series in 3D are can also contribute to a more sustainable environment in the future. All our OMNI Series in 3D are made with a special PLA thermoplastic.

PLA (or Poly-Lactic Acid in full) is a thermoplastic which is extruded from the starch of plants, such as corn, cassava, sugarcane, cereals, or sugar beet. By being derived from biological resources this type of thermoplastic can be biodegradable under the right conditions (such as an active compost heap, with enough presence of oxygen) and therefore has a much less environmental impact than thermoplastics derived from fossil fuels.

If you want to see an example of the brand new OMNI series, you can take advantage of the Internoise Trade show in Madrid, or you can visit us in San Maurizio Canavese!

Ntek will take part to INTERNOISE 2019, the 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering at the IFEMA Palacio Municipal fair centre in Madrid (Spain).

Exactly next Monday, the exhibition area will be accessible on 17th-19th June 2019, so you’ll find Ntek at booth 41!

For Ntek, INTERNOISE will undoubtedly represent a great opportunity to show and make aware the public about the strong innovations and changes made to continuously improve Ntek building acoustics products range.


Ntek is glad to announce the new entry of Tektite Solutions in its distribution network.

A brand new society, Tektite Solutions will be your local sales, technical and aftersales support for the UK and Ireland market.

On behalf of Tektite Solutions, Adam Sims and Adam Oliver are Building Acoustics specialists and are now part of the ever-growing distributor family for Ntek building Acoustics equipment.

Furthermore, it should be noted that Tektite Solutions is known as a training company in some of the notable English universities. Another point in favour of this new alliance will be Tektite’s ability to offer our range of products for building acoustics directly to course participants, who will be able to carry out practical exercises directly on the Ntek brand instruments.

The new partnership proved to be immediately a solid one, and for this reason, Ntek with Tektite Solutions decided to take part in ACOUSTICS 2019: the annual conference organized by the IOA – UK Institute of Acoustics – in Milton Keynes on May 13th-14th.

ACOUSTICS 2019 has been a remarkable opportunity to present the new distribution agreement between Ntek and Tektite Solutions to the major participants in the English and Irish Market.

A warm welcome to Tektite Solutions, hoping to increasingly strengthen this partnership that already seems to be full of news.

“When technological innovation becomes tangible”

Ntek transforms the production process of the Omni 4” Series introducing the 3D printing method!

Thanks to the use of special polymers that guarantee and even improve the performance of the Omni sources, Ntek has greatly changed the external design of its two 4″ omnidirectional sources.

The spherical shape means that the directionality of the new Omni 4″ is getting even closer to the final target of reach isotropy.

Printed precisely in heat resistant material, excellent performance of the structure is assured even after prolonged periods of activity, without incurring deformations due to the temperatures reached during the activity.

Planned and designed according to the needs and requirements, the new Omni 4″ guarantee greater ergonomics: hand transport will be more comfortable thanks to the new structure of the knob, which now ensures a more comfortable and firmer grip.

“What from the beginning was born as a simple internal prototyping, under the banner of new technologies, is now proving a remarkable workhorse. The first to adopt this new method: we feel proud to have invested and to continue investing in the field of new technologies and, where possible, make the most of them by directly modifying the production lines of Ntek ”      Confirms Mr. Giancarlo Sassi, Ntek General Manager

Completely new design, low weight, improved handling and innovative technology make the new Omni 4” Series the cutting-edge product from Ntek.