New 433 MHz / 866 MHz Remote Controls

Available from now on in the standard version (included in the price) at the frequency of 433 MHz, or in the HP version (optional and to be explicitly communicated in the order request) at the frequency of 866 MHz, Ntek is glad to announce the introduction of the New Remote Controls!

A totally renewed luxury line that includes the comfortable wrist lanyard. 

Ntek invites you to read the following carefully, in order to use the new remote controls correctly, without incurring in unpleasant situations during measurements.

The external design of the two types of remote controls is the same, but every remote control, however, can operate exclusively with the instrument associated with it.

Here’s how to make sure you use the remote control that suits your purchased instrument:

  • At the first impact, it is possible to recognize a 433 MHz remote control from an 866 MHz thanks to the introduction of a new visual system: a symbol of a different color will be applied both on the remote control and the respective instrument depending on the type of remote control (Picture 1). For the 433 MHz standard remote control the symbol on the remote control and the respective instrument will be the well-known NTEK Color (Picture 2), while for the HP 866 MHz remote control the symbol will be RED (Picture 3).
  • For an even better individuality, each remote will be specifically serialized with the same serial number of the related product (Picture 4).
  • Speaking about AMG Mini, it is also possible to identify from the serial (as well as the color of the symbol) if the instrument is set at 433 MHZ or 866 MHz remote control: in the last part of the serial number, the letters B or C are already present depending on whether it is Hybrid or Current, followed by a number. This number will correspond to 4 if combined with a 433 MHz (Picture 5), or 8 if combined with 866 MHZ (Picture 6).
  • For TPM Pro, on the other hand, serial identification is performed as follows: in this case, this word T18xxF2 is still present in this case. The word T18xx-4F2 will be introduced before …F2 if the TPM will be combined with a 433 MHz remote control (Picture 7), or T18xx-8F2 if combined with an 866 MHz (Picture 8).

Check that the color of the symbol and the serial number on the remote control always correspond to those of the instrument associated with it.


Ntek launches the new video to retrace the past year.

What better time to draw inspiration and bring out new ideas and improvements by looking at the past year?

2018 was a very important year for Ntek in many ways.

The first is undoubtedly having obtained further certifications in the field of building acoustics, recognized for their importance and notoriety such as the PTB conformity certification and the UKAS calibration certificate for the TPM Pro tapping machine.

Participation in events and industry fairs at National, European and Global level has certainly opened new doors on markets of nations that Ntek had not yet achieved, as well as enriching the company’s cultural background.

A strong and continuous technological innovation has allowed to modify some of the production processes of the products, in order to be able to increase the potential and efficiency of the production chain. This lead in higher quality standards of Ntek brand equipment.

A turning point that proved to be a true evolution/revolution for Ntek was the entry on the Social Media platforms; Ntek is now present with a completely Social look on the major Social Networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

A further goal was achieved by renewing the YouTube channel with the expansion of the amount of multimedia information usable by everyone and freely consultable.

Ntek invites you to take virtually part of its history in order to retrace 2018, hoping to bring the distances closer together and turn them into a solid and stable contact in this new # Incredible2019

From today, Tuesday, January 24th 2019, Ntek expand your range of multimedia content with the launch of the first Tutorial dedicated to the company’s most representative product: the TPM Pro!

With the aim of providing more and more information to end users, the tutorials of all Ntek products will be publicly available on the Ntek YouTube Channel!

Each tutorial is specific to each product in the building acoustics range and describes its characteristics and uses in detail.

Increasingly, building acoustics is becoming one of the most discussed topics in everything related to the construction and testing of buildings.

So why not go to the public user through videos that make intuitive the basic steps for the good use of Ntek products?

“This, precisely, is the question we asked ourselves last summer and now we are pleased to be able to find a concrete answer after a period of intense planning”

Giancarlo Sassi, General Manager at Ntek S.r.l.

Hoping that this material can be as useful and exhaustive as possible, Ntek wishes a “Good Vision” of this and all of the next tutorials.

In addition to the certifications already achieved, Ntek is pleased to announce that its TPM Pro meets the high standards of the UKAS Calibration Certificate: United Kingdom Accreditation Service.

A real breakthrough for the company that reaches a new front in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

UKAS is the UK national accreditation body responsible for determining, in the public interest, the technical expertise and integrity of organizations such as those offering analytical, calibration and certification services.

Ntek has chosen to use the qualified service provided by ANV Measurement System: a reliable partner, as well as a UKAS accredited laboratory.

TPM Pro is an example that Italian quality and engineering are recognized even outside the boundaries of our Country; the fact that we can request the UKAS calibration certificate for our tapping machines demonstrates this concept.

With a considerable number of TPM Pro sold on Anglo-Saxon land, Ntek is, therefore, one of the emerging brands of Great Britain.




Given the success of the last edition, also this year Ntek proposes the unmissable Black Friday!

The essential weekend for strategic purchases at a very advantageous price.

The discounted rates will be applied from November 23th – the real Black Friday – and will continue throughout the weekend, until Monday, November 26th: the traditional Cyber Monday!

To find out all the reserved discounts contact our local reference distributors or click on the links below

Contact Us

Also for this year, Ntek took part at Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte initiative on 26th and 27th October 2018.

These days of “open-day” are designed to give an opportunity to the interested citizens to discover in an engaging and immersive way the realities located in the Piedmont area, entering directly in the places of production: true full-immersion days in the companies that represent the excellence and innovation of our Region.

The extraordinary opening in these two days has represented for Ntek a remarkable chance to make feel to all the visitors that have come, the commitment and the passion that means high quality and reliability of its products.

This is the Ntek everyday goal.

We would like to thank all those who have chosen to visit the Ntek plant at the Fabbriche Aperte 2018; whether they are families, entrepreneurs, students or private individuals, it is interesting to note that many of them have been impressed by the equipment proposed by Ntek and by the respective way of operating in the field.

At the beginning, it’s always nice to see on the cold faces of the visitors the emergence of some emotion during the tour through the most significant areas of our companycomments Giancarlo Sassi, Ntek General Manager, who concludes by saying: “Fabbriche Aperte is always an opportunity make the audience astonished in front of reality that maybe does not know or did not think to be so influential in the global market like Ntek is demonstrating in these years!”

Ntek is the first company specialized in noise and vibration that implemented the amplifier AMG Mini with integrated native Hybrid Technology.

Due to its hybrid technology, the Ntek AMG Mini amplifier and noise generator is able to operate either through AC power supply or in a totally independent way, thanks to its internal kit of rechargeable lithium batteries, thus guaranteeing an autonomy of about 60 minutes.

Very important is the aspect that even during the activity, AMG Mini can switch from AC power to hybrid power and vice-versa, without any change in the power output levels. This is a considerable capacity in the event that the battery unloads in the middle of an analysis, which can, therefore, continue thanks to the ability to switch from one type of power supply to another without causing power variations.

The amplifier AMG Mini is an essential equipment in case of measurement in open field and in case of unavailability of AC power or in order to avoid cable obstruction.

More technical info on: AMG Mini




We inform you that Ntek laboratory is now able to provide an accurate calibration and characterization service for building acoustics equipment.

As foreseen by the ISO 16283-2 standard, it is recommended to perform the revision of noise sources (dodecahedron and amplifiers, directional speakers, tapping machines) every 2 years.

Ntek calibrates the equipment and releases the ISO calibration certificate according to the UNI EN ISO 16283-2 standard, according to the following parameters are reported:


The certificate shows the maximum sound power levels measured and the sound pressure level at 1.5 m with white and pink noise.


The following checks are carried out for the impact noise source:


As required by the standard, the tapping rate range has to be 100 ms with a tolerance of +/- 20 ms. The tapping rate average of 10 impacts, as per UNI EN ISO 16283-2, must be equal to 100 ms with a tolerance of +/- 5 ms.


The diameter of the hammers, according to UNI EN ISO 16283-2 must be 30 +/- 0.2 mm

The curvature of the hammers head, which must be 500 +/- 100 mm, has to be measured with a spherometer with 3 probes arranged in a circle of 20 mm radius, as required by the UNI standards.

All the test reported in the certificate are supplied by the graphs of the measurements.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a quotation!




Ntek family of distributors of products and software for the control and the measurement of noise becomes ever more widespread and announces today a new distributor in France: ALLIANTECH, a consolidated reality founded in 1999.

With the new agreement ALLIANTECH, specialized in the supply of the sensors, acquisition systems and tools for environmental monitoring, integrates its range of products for noise measurement and monitoring with Ntek products.

The services offered by Alliantech also include the design and the realization of products to meet specific requirements, and all the equipment for the measurement of physical quantities such as acceleration, displacement, angular velocity, tilt, force, torque, pressure, temperature and current.

“We will provide to Alliantech all the products needed to pursue opportunities in the market of building acoustics and to generate more business and to offer their customers innovative services. Ntek invests in partners who create new activities and this agreement represents a very important opportunity for our distribution network”.

Therefore … a warm welcome to Alliantech in our family!

Always with a view to guaranteeing the customer the best performance and high-quality standards of its products, Ntek communicates the introduction of the new packaging system with which it will carry out the next shipments. A considerable increase in the level of safety of the product is ensured during the entire journey of the shipment, thanks to a polyurethane foam compound, which is instantly modelled according to the required equipment. Ntek, therefore, ensures that the conditions of the goods once arrived at your destination will be almost unchanged compared to when the same goods were delivered by our company.

“A remarkable solution in the field of safety of the goods, completely respecting the environment since in addition to providing a high security to the goods during shipping. The material with which these foam cushions are made fits perfectly to the surface of the product reducing to a minimum waste of packaging material. This solution makes possible to use the minimum amount of packaging product ensuring a remarkable performance of an innovative packaging system, that literally means << less packaging, therefore less waste >> “; this is what released Giancarlo Sassi, General Manager of Ntek.

Absolutely recyclable, Ntek states that this new packaging system is completely environment-friendly, as it follows the latest environmental and packaging standards such as 94/62 / EC, ensuring that the material by which it is composed doesn’t contain heavy metals and it does not contribute to air and water pollution. The new packaging system is, therefore, an effective and innovative solution, with the important characteristic of respecting the environment, ensuring a safe and protected shipping method.