International Trade Fair, Ntek

Ntek has participated to the International Trade Fair A&T (Reliability and Technology) from May 3rd to 5th at Oval Lingotto of Turin, with Italian distributor Geass.

A&T is the international trade fair focused on 4.0 industry and a reference exhibition in Italy for manufacturing industries, system integrators and research centres.

With its 10 years of no-stop- growth, it was an event not to be missed for the manufacturing industry, as it presented an exclusive programme that will be very useful for those companies trying to enhance their competitiveness.

Ntek has presented the whole range of its equipment for noise and vibration measurement and control, in addition to the main products distributed on the national market: Rion multichannel systems and accelerometers of the English company DJB.

We are participating at 44° AIA National Convention (Italian Acoustical Association) at Pavia University.

To everyone who will visit our stand, will be given a free complete licence to use previsional software Ekos for 6 months.

From the 7th to the 9th of June, you will find us at exposition area of University with our products for noise and vibration control.

Come to discover news and you will receive the free complete licence of Ekos, scientific previsional softaware to verify passive acoustical requirements.


Ekos software AIA national convention


Prodotti Rion
Products shown at AIA convention: from left AMG Mini, pink and white noise generator and amplifier- Fonometro Rion NL-52 – RIONOTE , sound level meter.


RIONOTE: innovative measurement multi-functions system with compact design. Up to 16 channels, you can use it everywhere!


During AIA national convention, Ntek officially announces Geass as Italian market distributor.

Ntek has entrusted the distribution of its products on national territory to Geass, company leader in measurement instruments and scientific equipment fields.

We are certain that Geass, with its 23 years experience, will offer to Italian market high level assistant services and technical proficiency” , Ntek General Manager Giancarlo Sassi says.

Ntek and Geass  are ready to improve resources invested to strength their partnership and to enhance product and service offer on national territory.

Partnership between Ntek and Geass



Ntek has participated to International Fair Reliability and Technologies in Turin with its national distributor Geass.
The exhibition, focused on Industry 4.0, hosts every year a a vast range of enterprises and start up which have the occasion to show to spectators and to professionals innovative solutions they have developed.

Ntek , in addition to complete equipment presented for noise and vibration measurements and control, has promoted must have products of brands distributed on national market: multi channel system Rion and DJB accelerometers.

AMG Mini, Dodecahedron



A&T fair

Ntek will take part in the 44th AIA National Convention (The Acoustical Society of Italy)  from the 7th to the 9thof June. The event is organized from the Civil Engineering and Architecture department and from Earth Science and Environment Department of Pavia University. The convention will be held in the halls of the historical headquarter of the University.

The Convention will face the most current matters regarding the analysis and the control of environmental noise, the acoustical quality in buildings and work environment. It will take in consideration also the most recent developments regarding regulations and the most advanced sectors of research in physical, environmental, architectural, musical and metrological acoustics.

A wide show of equipment, materials and components for the acoustics and the noise control will be set inside the University headquarter. In this occasion Ntek will present the new version of the innovative Ekos software for the prevision and calculation of passive acoustical requirements.

The convention will also represent the opportunity to introduce Geass, Ntek commercial partner for the complete range of products in Italy.


Ntek has participated to the International Trade Fair A&T (Reliability and Technology) from May 3rd to 5th at Oval Lingotto of Turin, with Italian distributor Geass.

A&T is the international trade fair focused on 4.0 industry and a reference exhibition in Italy for manufacturing industries, system integrators and research centres.

With its 10 years of no-stop- growth, it was an event not to be missed for the manufacturing industry, as it presented an exclusive programme that will be very useful for those companies trying to enhance their competitiveness.

Ntek has presented the whole range of its equipment for noise and vibration measurement and control, in addition to the main products distributed on the national market: Rion multichannel systems and accelerometers of the English company DJB.

Knowing the precise volume and capacity of combustion chamber is necessary to enhance combustion within the engine.
Traditional method used by GM Global Propulsion Systems expected dismantling and the cleaning up of the engine, in order to measure volume in dry conditions.

Innovative application of Ntek measurement system allowed to GM Global Propulsion Systems to measure capacity of every dimensions diesel engine, inserting an Injector in the cylinder head, in dry condition, in few seconds.
Instead of using the spark plug within the assembled engine, are used special adaptors to insert the injector and measure volume of combustion chamber through sinusoidal waves. This system has completely solved engine opening issue.


Ntek General Motors
Ntek with General Motors Engineer group


Giancarlo Sassi General Motors
From left: Eng. Kazu Hagiwara from Rion and Giancarlo Sassi, Ntek General Manager


Ntek General Motors
Zoom on the  diesel motor


Ntek celebrates 4 years and changes its visual identity with a brand new logo and a new location. The visual identity released represents Ntek real evolution: a company leader, innovative and reliable, very close to its stakeholders and open to the world.
Logo evolution has lead to a simplification and stylization of the name and a change in the symbol.

“It is a very significant moment for our company”, said GM Giancarlo Sassi “because we have moved from the status of innovative startup to innovative SME.
Sustainability, internationalization and innovation leaded our company to grow and to become market leader in its segment”.

On the occasion of this important celebration, Ntek has moved to San Maurizio Canavese, 18 Gabrielli Road, in Turin province .
Ntek, with 500 m2 of operations headquarter including also internal warehouse, can assure available products in short time according customers’ needs. “ Today we are able to handle orders in 48 hours, compared with a standard time of 45/60 days. Our new headquarter is structured to be flexible during logistics activities and to answer efficiently to our customers productive needs.”